Floral Pattern
Floral Pattern

9 Perennial Vegetables That Grow Back Year After Year

Floral Pattern
Floral Pattern


Easy-to-grow perennial vegetable in Zones 3-10, can be harvested after 1-2 years, and thrives in full-sun, well-drained soil.

Floral Pattern
Floral Pattern


Also known as wild leeks, these slow-growing perennials thrive in Zones 3-7 in damp, wooded areas and are ready for harvest after a few years.

Floral Pattern
Floral Pattern


A hardy perennial in Zones 3-8, only the stalks are edible, and it’s ideal for sunny, well-drained spots.

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Floral Pattern


Ostrich ferns produce these tasty green shoots in Zones 2-7, thriving in shady, moist areas.

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Floral Pattern


Perennial varieties include bunching onions, shallots, and Egyptian walking onions, suitable for Zones 3-10.

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Floral Pattern


A hardy perennial in Zones 3-9, it produces spicy roots that are harvested in fall and early winter.

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Floral Pattern

Jerusalem Artichokes: 

Also known as sunchokes, these tall plants thrive in Zones 3-8 and produce edible roots.

Floral Pattern
Floral Pattern


Leave some bulbs in the ground to enjoy perennial garlic, with hardneck varieties producing garlic scapes.

Floral Pattern
Floral Pattern


A type of chicory with bitter leaves, it grows best in Zones 3-8 with morning sun and afternoon shade.